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In 1965, the leaders of 5 national associations from European countries started holding informal meetings on a regular basis. The initial aim was to exchange views and experiences about the trade of machine tools. From these early discussions what emerged clearly was that not only the Associations were organized differently but also experienced a different market situation. Even so, it was also clear that there were common interests to pursue that deserved the creation of a stable partnership , entitled to take decisions in a formal way.
This resulted in the establishment of CELIMO (the European Liaison Committee for Machine Tool Importers) in 1971; the Committee gradually came over the years to include significant partners in the main European Countries, until today, counting 13 European countries represented in the CELIMO Council. In 2005 CELIMO changed its name in European Trade Association for Machine Tools, Toling and Technologies, maintaining its logo and unchanged.


The aims of CELIMO are:

  • To put in contact, at European level, the different national Associations of distributors of machine tools in order to support the exchange of ideas and experiences
  • To develop the common study and analysis of all matters relating to the international trade of machine tools and accessories
  • To represent, at European level, the importers of machine tools, especially towards manufacturers and their Associations and towards the EU
  • To draw and publish standard contracts and agreements or general informations on the different aspects of the international trade and import of machine tools
  • To widen the knowledge of the world-wide trade by organizing meetings with the North American, Japanese and Chinese Associations

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